Patrick DeLuca Emerging Researcher Award

The IPEC Emerging Researcher Award will be presented each year to a beginning career scientist post Ph.D. i.e., postdoctoral fellows, research assistant professors and early stage assistant professors (Within 5 years of receiving Ph.D.). Applicants are encouraged from any part of the globe.

The award criteria include: demonstrated interest in and dedication to the area of excipients in terms of: published manuscripts and a research proposal in the area of excipient scientific/technological research.

Nomination Requirements/Package

  1. The research proposal should be no more than four pages in length (12 pt. font) including most relevant references and should emphasize the relevance to excipients.

  2. The proposal should also include a brief plan of what the applicant hopes to achieve by the end of the first and second years of the project.

  3. A copy of the applicant’s Curriculum Vitae and two letters of recommendation must be attached to the application.

  4. The award (in the amount of $15,000 per year) will be for up to two years, with the second year of funding contingent upon adequate progress during the first year.

  5. A progress report of up to ten pages must be submitted at least one month prior to the end of the first year of funding. Second year applicants must demonstrate progress with at least one abstract and/or one manuscript submitted.

  6. The nomination form and all supporting materials may be submitted online.

  7. If you prefer, you may send as a single PDF file to by June 15th of the year of application. A single Microsoft Word file will be accepted if PDF capability is not available. The award name (Emerging Researcher Award) must be shown in the subject line of the email. Mailed nominations will be accepted if sent to: IPEC Foundation, 901 N. Glebe Road, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22203, USA

Both the abstract submission and nomination submission deadlines are June 15.

Selection Procedures

The applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee chaired by the Vice Chair of the IPEC-Americas Foundation. The Selection Committee will also review progress at the end of the first year of the work to determine the suitability of the project for continuation to the second year of funding.

Apply online (preferred)

Download application