Graduate Student Award

The International Pharmaceutical Excipient Council of the Americas Foundation (“Foundation”), is sponsoring up to five (5) annual scholarships to acknowledge excellence in research conducted at graduate level in the field of Excipients.

The scholarships focus on recent significant contributions to formulation science and technology through innovative research with excipients. A list of relevant research topics includes (but is not limited to):

  1. Understanding the relationship between physical/chemical properties and functionality of excipients,
  2. the role of excipients in nanotechnology,
  3. the role of absorption facilitators,
  4. optimizing excipient functionality,
  5. development of functionality-based acceptance tests,
  6. development of performance standards for excipients,
  7. excipient safety,
  8. excipient compatibility,
  9. new or novel applications for existing excipients,
  10. development of new excipients.

If selected for one of the five scholarships relating to excipients in formulation science and technology, the successful applicant/nominee must attend the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition in the year of the award.


The applicants/nominees should be in their final year of a full-time graduate program leading to the award of a Doctor of Philosophy degree, or equivalent, from a recognized academic institution, and not have completed their defense of their thesis, at the time of their nomination.

Graduate students undertaking their research while in full-time employment are not eligible for these Graduate Student Scholarships.

The applicants/nominees must have had an abstract accepted for presentation at the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition.

Nomination Requirements

  1. Submission of the completed nomination form, obtained from the Foundation website: (NOTE: Do NOT send the completed nomination form to this website)
  2. Attach a summary of recent research efforts or research plans (not more 1200 words). The summary should address the success of the research efforts on meeting current needs in the field of formulation science and technology with excipients, as well as how the research findings are likely to impact the future applications of this technology. The summary should also illustrate the innovative application of scientific principles in the work.
  3. Include a letter of nomination from the academic institution signed by either their academic supervisor, head of department, or Dean which explains why they are nominating the person, and which addresses the scientific impact of the recent research efforts of the applicant toward formulation science and technology.
  4. Submission of current curriculum vitae of the applicant.
  5. A copy of the accepted abstract to be presented at the relevant conference.
  6. The nomination form and supporting documents may be submitted online.
  7. If you prefer, you may send as a single PDF file to by June 15th of the year of application. A single Microsoft Word file will be accepted if PDF capability is not available. The award name (Excipient Graduate Student Scholarships) must be shown in the subject line of the email. Mailed nominations will be accepted if sent to: IPEC Foundation, 901 N. Glebe Road, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22203, USA

Selection Procedures

The selection committee will be comprised of the Foundation's Scientific Advisory Committee (“SAC”) The SAC will make its selection based on the following criteria listed in order of importance:

• Relevance of the work to current needs and potential impact on the future of formulation science and technology with excipients
• Scientific innovation of the current work
• Curriculum vitae and letters of reference
• Compliance to award rules and format

The scholarship winners will be the individuals judged to have provided the most outstanding contributions to the field through their current work. In the absence of eligible contributions, IPEC Foundation reserves the right to withdraw some or all of the scholarship awards and/or to apply them to future meetings of AAPS.

The candidates selected will present their research at the AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition in the year of the award. The scholarship winners will receive a cash award of $2,000. If more than one scholarship winner is identified (to a maximum of two (2) for a particular research effort, they will share the scholarship.

Apply online (preferred)

Download application